KLS Presents at 2021 IES Street and Area Lighting Conference
Mike Fuller and Liz Compitello (DVRPC) presented "Lessons Learned from a Turnkey LED Streetlight Conversion Program for 60+...
RSLPP Keeps Rolling with KLS for Round 3
In the Fall of 2021, DVRPC initiated Round 3 of the Regional Streetlight Procurement Program. KLS will continue as the Design Services...
KLS Contracted as Technical Advisor to Philadelphia LED Streetlight Conversion Project
In the Fall of 2020 KLS was contracted by the City of Philadelphia as a Technical Advisor to their 100,000+ Streetlight LED Conversion...
KLS Selected as Design Professional for Round II of the RSLPP
KLS was selected as the Design Services Professional for the 2nd Round of the Regional Streetlighting Procurement Program (RSLPP), led by...
KLS to Present at Lightfair 2016
KLS is pleased to announce that we will presenting at Lightfair International 2016. This year we will be presenting "Moneyball for...
KLS Selected As Technical Advisor
KLS was selected as the Technical Advisor to the Regional Streetlighting Procurement Program (RSLPP), led by the Delaware Valley Regional...